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By entering the server, the player agrees to the rules listed below and undertakes to comply with them.

The player must comply with the applicable laws of the Czech and Slovak Republics.

It is strictly forbidden to promote Nazism, racism and other ideas that are contrary to human rights in any way. This applies to everything on the server: chat, buildings, items and everything else.

The player must not own an area that is lagging the server (unnecessarily complex redstone, mob farms - max 200 nether portals, etc.). If the AT evaluates the area as lagging, the AT member has the right to delete or limit the redstone without replacing the material and notifying the player.

Server lagging is prohibited. (Afk in mob farms, overpopulation of animals...)

Intentional spoiling of the game for other players is prohibited. (unnecessary harassment, spamming msgs, stealing, mean stealing in residences...)

Building inappropriate buildings is prohibited. (swastikas, erotic maparts, sexualization of AT with armorstands...)

The so-called tpkill is prohibited, which means killing another player within 15 minutes after teleporting any of the two players. Teleportation is taken as teleport to a residence, warp, teleport to other players, / back and the like. Exceptions are only explicitly designated teleports for pvp combat such as warp pvp arenas.

The player has no claim to the server's property (buildings, items, statistics and game records). All game data is the property of the server and the player has no right to enforce this data on the server.

The player and AT member have the right to protect their personal data. It is strictly forbidden to disseminate the personal data of other players and AT members without their permission.

The server owner has the right to permanently block access and remove the player's game data from the game and other services connected to the server if the player actively and repeatedly violates the rules.

The use of any mouse settings, double-click buttons, or programs (autoclicker) enabling automatic clicking is prohibited.

The player is not allowed to use mods, texture packs, hacked clients (Wurst, Wolfram, Aristois, etc.) or programs that give him an advantage over other players. (The exception is the minimap, optifine, shaders.)

It is forbidden to advertise other game servers, discord or teamspeak. Mentioning the server name in a conversation is not advertising. (Repeated spamming of the channel name, streams, etc. is also considered advertising)

It is forbidden to impersonate or use a nickname similar to an AT member, or a YouTuber, Streamer...

It is forbidden to encourage other players to break the rules.

It is forbidden to sell or offer items from the server for real money. (In private messages, in the chat...)

A player can have a maximum of 1 game account.

Abuse, concealment of bugs is prohibited, if you encounter a bug, report it immediately to an AT member.

Direct or indirect insults to players and AT members will not be tolerated. (Not even garbled swear words and swear words in foreign languages)

No asking for OP, fly, GM and other benefits..

No griefing around other people's residences. (lavacast, destroying the landscape, building walls, etc.)

No building meaningless buildings, offensive buildings or signs. (cobblestone columns, etc.)

Abusing the report system is prohibited.

Try to follow the spelling. (Trolling can be punished)

The A-Team decides on the punishment or length of the punishment for breaking the rules, not the player.

The player has no right to instruct an A-Team member on the correctness of his actions, in case of a violation of the rules by an A-Team member, contact the server management (ringmasterCaine)

No spamming, flooding, writing inappropriate words, swearing. (flood = repetition of characters or groups of characters) and inappropriate topics in the global chat (addictive substances, alcohol, sex, etc.)

Call A-Team members by their nickname in the chat, foul language and distortions are prohibited.

If you know of a player who violates the rules, it is your duty to report him! If you do not report him, you may be punished.

Remember that our server is not a dating site, sexual innuendos, etc. will not be tolerated.

It is forbidden to have an inappropriate skin or nickname.

Creating arguments in the chat/trolling in the chat will be punished.

Inappropriately named residences/items will be renamed and the player will be punished.

It is forbidden to circumvent the punishment given to a player by an AT member in any way. If it is discovered that a ban has been circumvented, the length of the ban will be doubled and if not, an IP ban will be imposed.

It is forbidden to use VPN or Proxy server services to connect to our server. IP of such services is blocked in our country and connecting through these services is punishable by a ban.

It is forbidden to insult or mock the server. If you don't like it here, you don't have to play here, it is also forbidden to intentionally spoil the game for other players.

The player has no right to solve the punishments of other players.

It is forbidden to circumvent the server rules in any way.

It is forbidden to organize fake events (with the intention of killing players, etc.)

It is forbidden to circumvent the afk system.

Each player is responsible for his game account.

It is forbidden to lie to A-Team members.

A-Team has the right to prevent you from accessing the server at any time if it suspects that you have violated the rules.

The server management has the right to change the server rules at any time.

SkyBlock rules

1. Begging for things, money and various other items is prohibited.

2. It is forbidden to "lure" players to places where they are in danger of death in order to obtain their items or where they are in danger of death and subsequent permanent loss of items caused by death (void, lava).

3. It is forbidden to build any redstone circuits, farms and tile entities that could harm the server's performance. (lag machines)

4. It is forbidden to steal from players.

5. It is forbidden to deceive and cheat newcomers on the server for any purpose.

6. No one from the AT interferes with the game by changing the weather, time, giving items, etc.

7. It is allowed to have a loaded mouse and dig only when responding to AT calls

8. It is forbidden to use hoppers on cactus farms, Collector Minions are a replacement

9. It is forbidden to constantly place anything that is destroyed when moved by a piston or water jet, in order to gain coins and XP.

10. Prohibition of violation set limitations for farms. Cactus farm: 1x 64x32x64. Redstone farms: 1x 30x50x30, 2x 20x50x20, redstone farms include e.g. melons, sugar cane, bamboo, kelp etc...

11. It is forbidden to put any advertisements in the auction (For example, renamed items that refer to your pwarp, or other promotional purposes)